The Hatchetfield Series is a series of musicals, livereadings and short films all set in the Hatchetfield Universe. Starkid productions that fall under this category are the musicals The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Black Friday and Nerdy Prudes Must Die, the livereadings as part of the Nightmare Time series and the Workin' Boys short film. All pages discussing elements of the Hatchetfield series can be found here.
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All items (786)
- Abstinence Camp
- Adore Me
- Alice Woodward
- Amanda Walter
- America Is Great Again
- Amy Plouff
- Angela Giarratana
- Angela's Drama Student
- Angela's Northville Student
- Angela's PEIP Field Agent
- Announcer (Killer Track)
- Announcer (Yellow Jacket)
- Assistant
- Audience Member 1
- Audience Member 2
- Audio Guy
- Austin Farmer
- Axe Man
- Axe-Man Victim 1
- Axe-Man Victim 2
- Barry Swift
- Bartender
- The Bastard's Box
- Beanie's
- Becky Barnes
- Becky Barnes Climbed A Tree
- Becky Clark
- Best Buy
- Beth (Killer Track)
- Biker 1
- Biker 2
- Bill Woodward
- Black Altars
- The Black and White
- The Black Blade
- The Black Book
- Black Friday
- Black Friday (album)
- Black Friday (song)
- Blinky
- Bob Metzger
- Bottle Imps
- Boy Jerry
- The Boy with the Bloody Nose
- Brad Callahan
- Brenda
- Brian Holden
- Brian Rosenthal
- Brooke
- Bruno
- Bryce Charles
- Bryce's Axe Man Singer
- Bryce's Reporter
- Bully the Bully
- Bury the Bully
- Caitlyn
- CaliforM.I.A
- Camp Idontwannabang
- Camper 1
- Camper 2
- Carl Metzger
- Carly DW Bones
- Carrol
- Cassie King
- Cast Party Massacre
- CCRP Scientist 1
- CCRP Scientist 2
- Charles Coven
- Charlie Lenny
- Charlotte Sweetly
- The Chasity Family
- Checkered-Tail Nighthawks
- Chris Kringle
- Chumby
- Cineplex Teen
- Cinnabon
- Clerk
- Coffee Jerk
- Colonel Schaffer
- Cool As I Think I Am
- Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)
- Corey Dorris
- Corey Lubowich
- Corey's Axe Man Singer
- Corey's Hatchetfield Cop
- Corey's Other Hatchetfield Citizen
- Corey's PEIP Field Agent
- Corrupt Man
- Counselor 1
- Counselor 2
- Courtney
- Crew Member
- Crowd 1
- Crowd 2
- Crowd Person 1
- Crowd Person 2
- Cup of Poisoned Coffee
- Cup of Roasted Coffee
- Curt Mega
- Curt's Northville Student
- Curt's Shopper
- Curt's Sniggle
- Daddy
- Dan Reynolds
- Daniel
- Danny
- Davis Hamilton
- Davis' Hatchetfield Cop
- Davis' Hatchetfield High Student
- Davis' Reporter
- Deb
- Deck The Halls (Of Northville High)
- Denny's
- Detective Shapiro
- Devil's Night
- Dirty Dudes Must Die
- Dirty Girl
- Disciples of the Lords in Black
- Do You Want to Play
- Donna Daggit
- Doug
- Duchess Lucy Stockworth
- Duke Keane