Present Interlude is a song from VHS Christmas Carol Live!. It was written by Clark Baxtresser and is performed by Lauren Lopez as Goth Party Girl and Brian Holden as Party Boy.
Goth Party Girl:
Scrooge tries to hide a tear
But the spirit has disappeared
Party Boy:
And now he's back in his bed
Goth Party Girl:
Filling up with dread
Party Boy and Goth Party Girl:
Remembering what Marley said
And wondering who's coming next, but
Party Boy:
There's no one around
Goth Party Girl:
There's not a sound
Party Boy and Goth Party Girl:
But a light is faintly flowing
From behind the door and growing
So Scrooge tip toes across the floor
No clue what he's heading toward
Scared and unprepared
For his next ghostly meet and greet
As he opens the door and hears the beat...
- This song is different from the original A VHS Christmas Carol Version.