Space Baby is an upcoming anthology series from Team StarKid as part of SK Labs. Created by Jaime Lyn Beatty and Curt Mega, the series is due to premiere in late summer 2024.
Space Baby follows the intergalactic adventures of a timeless, telepathic tot on a quest to discover the origins of existence itself. Each anthology episode of Space Baby will feature the work of a diverse array of artists, from writers and directors, to animators and composers, all forming the programming that our titular Intergalactic infant will consume in its endless quest to unlock the mysteries of the universe. It's Sesame Street meets David Lynch. Yeah. It's gonna get weird!
On September 15th, 2022, Team Starkid posted on their Instagram a reel teasing this series. In Early 2023, searches began to find an artist to create puppets for the series. In November the puppet was completed and sent to the team.
Name | Role[1] |
Kim Whalen | TBA |
Creative Team[]
Name | Role[1] |
Jaime Lyn Beatty | Creator |
Producer | |
Curt Mega | Creator |
Producer | |
James Tolbert | Writer |
Director | |
Matt Dahan | Original Music |
Angela Parrish | Original Music |
Leigh Lahav | Animation |
Sinéad Persaud | Writer |
Director | |
Kim Whalen | Producer |
Amy Plouff | Original Props |
Nick Gage | Theme Song |